procedural guides

Objections to Declarations At A Glance

If you are bringing or opposing a motion for summary judgment or other evidentiary motion, it is important to know the potential objections to your evidence, or the evidence being asserted against you.  Use this short list to make sure you have covered all your bases:

1.  Hearsay;

2.  Lack of foundation;

3.  Lack of relevance;

4.  Parol evidence; and

5.  Best evidence rule.

For more information regarding motions for summary judgment, please see the SmartRules Guides for Motion for Summary Judgment and Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment in the jurisdiction where your action is pending.  SmartRules provides Guides for summary judgment motions in the most active United States District Courts and state trial courts.  SmartRules also provides Guides specifically for drafting Objections to Evidence in the most active California state courts.

The authorities cited in this At A Glance Guide are current as of the publication date. For authorities updated in real time, please see the SmartRules Guide for the litigation document you are drafting.