procedural guides

No New Trial for Alex Murdaugh

Today a judge  dismissed convicted murderer Alex Murdaugh’s request for a new trial following an extensive evidentiary hearing. The focal point of the hearing revolved around allegations of jury tampering purportedly orchestrated by a court clerk, casting doubt on the integrity of the verdict.

Presiding over the case, Judge Jean Toal rendered her decision subsequent to hearing testimonies from all 12 jurors involved in Murdaugh’s trial, as well as from Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca Hill. Toal meticulously evaluated the evidence presented and ultimately concluded that Murdaugh failed to demonstrate that the clerk’s purported actions significantly influenced the jury’s decision.

Expressing her judgment, Toal remarked on the credibility of Hill as a witness, casting doubt on her reliability and suggesting a motivation fueled by the allure of notoriety. However, Toal emphasized that despite Hill’s questionable conduct, the jurors remained unaffected by her actions, thus affirming the validity of the trial’s outcome.

“‘I simply do not believe that our South Carolina Supreme Court requires a new trial in a very lengthy trial on the strength of some fleeting and foolish comments by a publicity-seeking clerk of court,’ Toal said.” NBC News

During her testimony, Hill vehemently denied any involvement in jury tampering, refuting allegations of impropriety or financial incentives. However, conflicting testimonies emerged, with Rhonda McElveen, the court clerk of Barnwell County, presenting divergent accounts, including allegations that Hill made remarks insinuating a preference for a guilty verdict to bolster book sales.

Despite the defense team’s efforts to contest the verdict based on alleged jury tampering, Judge Toal’s ruling affirmed the trial’s integrity, underscoring the lack of substantial evidence to warrant a new trial. Murdaugh, visibly present in the courtroom, intends to appeal the decision, signaling a protracted legal battle ahead.

The legal saga surrounding Murdaugh, once a prominent figure in the legal realm, continues to unfold against the backdrop of a high-profile murder case of his wife and son, along with subsequent financial crimes. Despite the outcome of his murder appeal, Murdaugh faces a lengthy prison sentence stemming from convictions related to financial fraud, ensuring his continued incarceration irrespective of the trial’s outcome.


Judge denies Alex Murdaugh a new murder trial based on allegations of jury tampering by clerk